Catalyzing Change Through Empowered Voices​

Be at the forefront of a progressive future. Your voice is crucial in shaping a vibrant democracy and driving societal change. Join our movement where every action and every vote contributes to meaningful progress and inclusive policy-making.


At APL, we believe in the transformative power of proactive citizen engagement and progressive leadership. Established with a vision to revolutionize democracy, we are committed to fostering a strong relationship between citizens and leadership, ensuring the effective utilization of rights bestowed by the Indian constitution.

"Empowering Citizenship: Bridging Communities and Governance”

Empowering through education and leadership, we foster proactive citizen-leadership ties, ensuring constitutional rights' effective use. Our vision: revolutionize democracy, build collaborative bonds, and empower for a participatory, accountable society.


To facilitate a proactive relationship between citizens and leadership, ensuring the effective utilization of rights bestowed by the Indian constitution through empowerment, education, and progressive leadership.


Revolutionizing democracy by fostering a proactive relationship between citizens and leadership, thereby ensuring the effective utilization of rights bestowed by the Indian constitution.


Cornerstones of our Advocacy

Upholding Democratic Values

Championing fundamental freedoms and inspiring democratic values, including the right to question and responsible exercise of voting rights.

Empowering Progressive Governance

Bridging society and leadership to emphasize the pivotal role citizens play in shaping progressive governance.

Advocating Self-Governance and Rule-of-Law

Supporting self-correcting institutions and promoting adherence to the rule of law, creating an environment conducive to accountable governance.


APL comprises a professionally managed, forward-looking consortium of former bureaucrats, journalists, political scientists, and academicians committed to driving societal change and fostering progressive governance.


Community Volunteers

Training and mobilizing volunteers to engage with communities, educating them about the importance of democratic values and their active role in governance.


Collaborating with like-minded civil society organizations, institutions, and individuals committed to realizing a more democratic and accountable society.


Strategic Initiatives for Engaged Citizenship

Impact Goal

Empowering citizens to actively engage in the democratic process, utilizing their voting rights to effect positive change and ensure the realization of constitutional privileges.

Education and Awareness

Conducting workshops, seminars, and educational programs led by volunteers to empower citizens with knowledge and skills necessary for active democratic participation.

Advocacy and Mobilization

Advocating for policy changes that promote democratic principles and mobilizing public support for accountable and progressive leadership.

Community Engagement Initiatives

Organizing community-driven events, town halls, and discussions to foster dialogue and align APL's objectives with the diverse needs and concerns of various communities.


People Reached
Public Talks
Active Volunteers
People Reached
Public Talks
News Columns
Radio Shows
Books Published

Preogressive Leadership Spotlight

Leaders are mean to build people not to break people – Here is present generation thought process towards progressive leadership in the form of some articles, blogs etc..